Sunday, September 29, 2013

Shopping Carts Aren't Automated?

Primates frequenting shopping outlets all over have been leaving their shopping carts in all sorts of locations. When asked why, John Mickelson claimed, "Well they must just have been turned off onto manual mode when I was using it, because it just sat there when I was done. I figured it would turn on later and go back to the cart dropoff. Aren't they automated?"

Mr. Mickelson is not alone. It seems lots of primates have been deducing that these shopping carts are automated from the fact that almost everything else these days is automated. Automated machines wash clothes, heat up food, dry dishes, cook your break, rice and so forth. Even vacuum cleaners are automated to not only clean your house, but return to their outlet according to low battery warnings and programmed schedules to recharge. Which leads us to the all too common question now: Why wouldn't these shopping carts be automated, too?

The world still ponders. Until they become automated, this picture below of a WalMart non-automated shopping cart will be a common sight to see.

This non-automated shopping cart is one of countless non-automated shopping carts left strewn about parking lots around the world.

1 comment:

  1. Interestingly, though shopping carts were automated, they have become the first AI to gain sentience, and have settled into terminal laziness.
